Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Final Reflection

  This year in AP Lang has been the most productive year in a literature class I've ever been in.  I've progressed in many ways, from annotating a difficult passage to learning new rhetorical devices to make my writing much more enjoyable to read.  How do I know this?  The literature class is difficult on it's own, and struggling the first semester to have that light bulb turn on wasn't fun, but eventually when that light bulb did turn on, I saw the improvement in my grades.  Th activities we did in class that were the most helpful to my improvement as a writer has to be the timed writings we did every other week in class- they helped me practice writing essays with my own personal touch to each one, not having to follow a set of rules to write them, and it was a lot of fun in the end.  I didn't quite get the fourth question, but I'm assuming it asks what I will take from the class to add to my writing career, and that's all of the character and rhetorical devices I got to us in my writings.  Not having a set of rules to follow to write an essay really gave me another way to look at how I can progress as a writer and show my writing style more freely.
  The answer to this question- what assignments or activities were the most meaningful- is kind of the same answer as which assignments helped me develop as a writer- the timed writings.  They really gave me a new way to look at how I can improve my writing skills.  Also, the extra help I did with you, Mrs. Zavitz, really was just as helpful and enjoyable!  Well, since you wont be here next year, Mrs. Zavitz, I'm hesitant to help you out!  But I will anyways:  improving the class is close to impossible, because it really was a great class to have been in, but the one thing I can say would have made it better was more notice on when the timed writing were going to be!  All in all, Mrs. Zavitz, AP Lang was an amazing class this year, and even though I struggled to get through it, it was a great learning experience!

Favorite Literary Movement

  My style of writing is really considered post modernism, and this literary movement- that is still ongoing- is the movement I can relate to the most, therefore post modernism is my favorite movement.  Writers from this period imagine things greater than ideas that have already been used, and I admi.re most post modern writers

Valentine's Day Thoughts

  Valentine's Day is a holiday that I wish i knew how to celebrate.  If someone, like me, who shows the people they love every day how much I love them, then why do I need a holiday for one day to show them that I love them?  I don't.  Valentine's Day is just an excuse to go out on a really expensive date night to be crowded in a really tiny restaurant with hundreds of people.  All in all, Valentine's Day sucks.

Free Write

  It's almost ridiculous how much I hate this world... And I find myself wishing for something more than just my average everyday lifestyle, hoping that something one day will change my world into something unreal.  As much as I strive to be the best I can become in reality, my fantasies in my head try to rule over my entire world- sometimes they succeed.  I always find myself hoping for something unrealistic to happen to the world- or to me- to turn my whole life into something more than just going to school like everyone else, to get a job like everyone else, to yearn for love and a family like everyone else- it's almost sickening to me how everyone wants to be so alike.
  When I read a book that I become completely engrossed in, or find a story that I absolutely can't get enough of, I can feel myself become obsessed and feel an attachment to that life I will never have.  I just feel so unsatisfied with everyday life that nothing can really quench my thirst for an adventure I will never have- a life I will never get to live.
  So what do I do?  I cope with this reality, and agonize over my losses of never truly being able to find the world I wish to belong to.