Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Free Write

  It's almost ridiculous how much I hate this world... And I find myself wishing for something more than just my average everyday lifestyle, hoping that something one day will change my world into something unreal.  As much as I strive to be the best I can become in reality, my fantasies in my head try to rule over my entire world- sometimes they succeed.  I always find myself hoping for something unrealistic to happen to the world- or to me- to turn my whole life into something more than just going to school like everyone else, to get a job like everyone else, to yearn for love and a family like everyone else- it's almost sickening to me how everyone wants to be so alike.
  When I read a book that I become completely engrossed in, or find a story that I absolutely can't get enough of, I can feel myself become obsessed and feel an attachment to that life I will never have.  I just feel so unsatisfied with everyday life that nothing can really quench my thirst for an adventure I will never have- a life I will never get to live.
  So what do I do?  I cope with this reality, and agonize over my losses of never truly being able to find the world I wish to belong to.

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